The Wolverine skyhawks model aviation club

Bylaws Of The Wolverine Skyhawks Model Club, Inc.
AMA Charter #1514
The Name of this club shall be “The Wolverine Skyhawks Model Club, Inc.”.
The purpose of this club is to provide group support and information to individuals interested in the sport of radio controlled aircraft and their operation.
Membership of this club is open to all, who on application, are found to be of good moral character, show a genuine interest in radio control modeling and the promotion of that sport by and of the club.
Full Membership requires that a member is in good standing with the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
Non-Flying Membership – Does not Require AMA Membership. This membership is for individuals who are interested in the hobby and the club but are not interested in flying airplanes themselves. This is a non-voting membership. Because this membership does not require AMA, flying under any circumstances will not be allowed. The club will require a signed waiver stating that the member understands that they cannot fly without AMA membership.
Associate Membership – requires that the member is in good standing with the Academy of Model Aeronautics and is a full member in good standing of another AMA chartered club. This is a non-voting membership. Associate members are not permitted to allow their non-member guests to fly at our fields. “Bullwinkle” club members that are current “Associate” members will be grandfathered in and allowed to continue to be an Associate Member.
Upon admittance to the club, the new member is to be levied a one-time entry fee of $25.00 assuming continuous membership. Dues at the rate set by the club are due in total on or by December 31 of the preceding year. Dues not paid before January 31 will be subject to a $10.00 late fee to be paid in addition to the dues. New memberships received after the first of the year shall be pro-rated at the time of membership. If a new member is under the age of 18, the one-time entry fee is waived and dues shall be half of the full membership dues. If a member in good standing has children under the age of 18 the child's dues are waived and are considered to have a family membership. Dues for the Non-Flying Membership shall be half of the full membership and the entry fee is waived.
Every club member shall in addition to financial support, participate in club activities to insure the well being of the club. Participation is defined as supporting a committee that the club establishes.
Elected Officers
The officers of the club shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term served by the officers shall be two years.
Officers have a spending allowance of up to $200.00 for club purposes where time constraints do not allow for a club meeting and vote. All discretionary expenditures by club officers in this manner must be discussed and agreed upon by at least one other officer.
Appointed Officer(s)
The Safety Officer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the elected officers.
1.) President The President shall be the chief executive officer of the club and shall have general supervision of it’s affairs and shall be subject to control by the membership of the club. He shall preside at all meetings of the membership attended, and shall carry out the policies established by the membership.
2.) Vice President The Vice President shall head all social events of the club. He shall also preside over regular club meetings in the absence of the club President and carry out duties assigned by the President.
3.) Secretary The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings or cause same to be done when such notice is required. He shall keep a record of all such meetings, conduct club correspondence, and shall perform the duties incidental to the office of Secretary and such other duties as the President shall prescribe. He shall maintain a record of club membership, member applications, and member’s AMA status.
4.) Treasurer The Treasurer shall be the principal financial officer of the club and should render an accurate account of the financial condition of the club at the normal meetings of the membership. He shall collect all dues, assessments, and amount owing to the club and deposit same to an account in the club’s name. He shall discharge all financial obligations of the club as approved by the President or by the membership.
5.) Safety Officer The Safety Officer shall be responsible to assure that the AMA Safety Code and the Club’s Field Rules are adhered to.
The election of officers shall be in the month of December at the regular meeting unless circumstances require an election of new officers prior to this time. If such need arises, an election shall be arranged by the majority rule of the membership. Election of officers shall be by a majority vote of the members present at said meeting.
The regular meetings of the club shall be on the second Tuesday of the Month, at 7:00 PM. The meeting place shall be determined by the arrangements made on behalf of the club. Special meetings will be held and scheduled as such needs occur. All members shall be notified of such special meetings.
The termination of a member shall be by majority vote of the club members. Termination proceedings may commence when a member is in violation of AMA rules and regulations or in violation of club rules. The vote for termination shall be preceded by a hearing on the member and the violations involved.
These bylaws may be amended or repealed at any regular or special meeting of the club. Passage must be a 2/3 majority vote of the members present. The repeal of a bylaw or amendment is to be carried out only after such has been discussed at the prior regular or special meeting of the club.
The club must also keep and enforce an up-to-date set of rules for all its flying fields.
ARTICLE XIII Club Dissolution
In the unlikely event that the club is dissolved, any assets left after all debts have been paid shall be donated to the Academy of Model Aeronautics Foundation