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A Complete History of the Airplane

This is one of many articles to be found at Pilot School . Check it out!



Avery's Reading List

Recently, a young fan from Salt Lake City was among a group that used links from our website to find items that were used in their group project. Avery wanted to share with you some of  the articles that got him interested in aviation history:






Lipo Batteries Guide

 ( This is a very good primer on Lipo batteries. Any one using Lipo batteries should read this. ) I was going to create a guide similar to this for our website, but then I found this. It is well researched and written by the manager of Roger's Hobby Center in Saginaw, MI.. I highly recommend.   Eric






Prop Conversion Formula - Sometimes you have an application that requires you to change prop size, or number of blades, etc. Click on this pdf for a formula to help you select or order the right one.










How to properly trim an RC Aircraft. - Trimming an aircraft in the proper sequence will make a huge difference in the way it performs. This article written by Peter Goldsmith is aimed to the serious pilot that wants to get the most out of  their plane, although the principles can be helpful for anyone wanting to improve the flight characteristics of their RC Aircraft. Open this pdf to read his procedures.










MODEL AVIATION - Aircraft Setup


Kent County Veterans Honor Guard




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