This should keep me busy for a while! I just acquired this partially completed kit from a fellow club member. It is all framed up, but there is still a lot of work left to complete before it is ready to fly. I am planning to use this forum on our club's website to update my progress.
Here is where it begins...........
I couldn't get all of the kit components in the back of my Acadia. There is a big box up in the passenger seat also!
Wing panels ready for finishing details.... before covering.
Fuse and tail sections are all framed up .
Fiberglass cowling and windshield will be safe in the box until I get to that step.
Note the date on the Instruction Manual. I wonder how much has changed since this manual was printed? There are several build threads that I am following with some updates and modifications that I think will be helpful. I'll be doing a lot of reading and research before I continue this build. Please check in here occasionally to see how it is progressing or nudge me along to get it done :-)
The next step was bolting the wings to the cabin top.
The next step is clamping the plane and wings with proper dihedral so that I can make the struts proper length. There is 3/4" dihedral from wing root to the last full rib near wingtip.
I built the main struts and the jury struts to proper dimensions. I had to install the main gear to attach the struts, so the next pic shows it on its wheels for the 1st time.
It has been a while since I updated my progress on this build. I've got a lot of days in the shop lately. Things are starting to take shape. One of the 1st things I did was install the ailerons and flaps so that I could clamp them in neutral position to allow shaping the wing tips to meet the curve of the ailerons.
A lot of sawdust later, the wingtip is trimmed, tapered, and shaped to meet the aileron.
That oughta pull it around!!!!
Yes it is.
Eric, is that a G62 hiding with the parts?